Teaching Muslim Principals Principles: our principles must be none other than the principles of Islam and Imaan THE 5 PILLARS OF ISLAM According to the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم ),Islam is based on the following five pillars: 1. To testify that there is no true God but Allah and that Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم ) is His last Messenger and the seal (last) of prophets. 2. To perform prayers (5 times a day) 3. To pay zakat (Charity-poor due once a year). 4. To fast during the month of Ramadhan. 5. To perform hajj (Pilgrimage – Once in a lifetime, if one capable). THE FUNDAMENTAL ARTICLES OF IMAAN (FAITH) To believe in: 1. Allah 2. His Angels 3. His revealed Books 4. His Messengers 5. The Day of Resurrection 6. Al-Qadr; Whatever Allah has ordained must come to pass (In other words, fate and destiny). Quran The Quran is the constitution of mankind from the Creator; it is the yardstick for understanding the religion of Islam as the religion of Mankind. We therefore urge and make a humble appeal to one and all to exhaust the entire effort to learn it as required from each and every individual. This service is available at your disposure. Teachers are available at our Centre and also online services for those who can afford inshaAllah. The following lectures are rendered: TafsiirHadithArabic languageThis is for young and adult members and the entire muslims and those want to know anything about islam. Special arrangements can also be made with our lecturers InshaAllah Quran  Translation of the Quran in English Masjid Instructors: Ml. Ali Musaazi : 0717038014   Sh. Hasan Jidu: 0737546489Sh. ABdurahman Mukasa
  Contact Information         Physical: No.1 15 th  Avenue Mayfair Johannesburg:  Contact:Tel: +2711074 5950 Cell: +2771703 8014 E-mail: umasa@umasa.org.za  
Allah will raise those who have believed among you and those who were given knowledge, by degrees.” [Qur'an,
                                                                                          No.1 15 th  Avenue Mayfair Johannesburg
                                                                                          Tel: +27110745950   Cell: +27717038014
                                                                                          E-mail: umasa@umasa.org.za
NPO NUMBER 132-365
Teaching Muslim Principals Principles: our principles must be none other than the principles of Islam and Imaan THE 5 PILLARS OF ISLAM According to the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم ),Islam is based on the following five pillars: 1. To testify that there is no true God but Allah and that Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم ) is His last Messenger and the seal (last) of prophets. 2. To perform prayers (5 times a day) 3. To pay zakat (Charity-poor due once a year). 4. To fast during the month of Ramadhan. 5. To perform hajj (Pilgrimage – Once in a lifetime, if one capable). THE FUNDAMENTAL ARTICLES OF IMAAN (FAITH) To believe in: 1. Allah 2. His Angels 3. His revealed Books 4. His Messengers 5. The Day of Resurrection 6. Al-Qadr; Whatever Allah has ordained must come to pass (In other words, fate and destiny). Quran The Quran is the constitution of mankind from the Creator; it is the yardstick for understanding the religion of Islam as the religion of Mankind. We therefore urge and make a humble appeal to one and all to exhaust the entire effort to learn it as required from each and every individual. This service is available at your disposure. Teachers are available at our Centre and also online services for those who can afford inshaAllah. The following lectures are rendered: TafsiirHadithArabic languageThis is for young and adult members and the entire muslims and those want to know anything about islam. Special arrangements can also be made with our lecturers InshaAllah Quran Translation of the Quran in English Masjid Instructors: Ml. Ali Musaazi : 0717038014Sh. Hasan Jidu: 0737546489Sh. ABdurahman Mukasa
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UNITED MUSLIM ASSOCIATION IN SOUTH AFRICA                                                     MASJID HIJRA
NPO NUMBER 132-365
                         No.1 15 th  Avenue Mayfair Johannesburg Tel: +27110745950   Cell: +27717038014                                        E-mail: umasa@umasa.org.za   Donations@umasa.org.za